Donner Blues Drive Vintage Overdrive

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The Blues Drive is inspired by the legendary TS-style vintage tube overdrive pedal and its famous mods, reproducing the iconic overdrive sound with warm, smooth mids and great dynamic response.
The Blues Drive features an easy-to-use three-knob tone control: LEVEL (output volume), TONE (brightness) and GAIN (overdrive amount) for using in different scenarios. Each knob gives you a wide control range.
The Blues Drive offers a the 2-way selector for choosing from two sound types for satisfying different musicians: Hot: Providing a louder, tightened sound Warm: The classic TS overdrive sound replica.
"Hot" and "Warm" two tone mode. The hot model provides a more powerful full tone. 'Warm' sounds smooth and sweeter, makes the tone performance more dynamic and distinctive. For all over drive pedals, tube screamer is always the over load and the incentive effect of standard. Various versions of replicas are bewildering variety of choice for customers in the market now, which timbre is loyal to the tube screamer style. The outstanding medium frequency makes it suitable to play the traditional blues. The hot model can be a very good interpretation of rock n roll as well. The speaker distortion will become plump and smooth with the boost on .special and sweet sounds can be made with the delay added.